To all MAPS members,
The Middle Atlantic Planetarium Society wishes to add a “Memorial Committee” to its list of Standing Committees. The Memorial Committee will recognize when someone passes away.
If approved by the membership, this committee will be added to the list of Standing Committees in our By-Laws under Article IV Section 1. As a MAPS member, you are being asked to vote for this change to our By-laws.
This amendment notice and vote is being sent to you electronically 30 days prior to the vote as per MAPS By-Laws. You may vote for the amendment at any time within the 30 days notice period (February 18 through March 18, 2019). All votes must be cast before midnight on March 19, 2019, which is when the voting period will end.
MAPS encourages your participation in this key activity that has a lasting impact on our organization.
Constitution Review Committee
Steven LJ Russo, Chair
Megan Norris