Continuing Education Unit (CEU) from the University of Maine
Because this year’s MAPS Conference takes place at on a university campus, we are able to offer delegates the opportunity to earn one CONTINUING EDUCATION UNIT (CEU) from the University of Maine at no additional cost. The university defines continuing education as:
“A CEU is a way of measuring an individual’s participation in a continuing education program (such as those offered by the Hutchinson Center). CEUs were established to verify that a person has completed the required program to get their professional certificates, which allows them to continue practicing. Professionals can use CEUs to improve skills and stay current with new technology, laws and requirements that may apply to their fields.
The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is a nationally accepted uniform unit for measuring participation in applicable noncredit continuing education activities. CEU programs are generally designed for a specific audience and are often used for professional development in a particular industry or profession. The CEU permits individuals to participate in many different kinds of programs while accumulating a uniform record available for future reference.
By definition, one CONTINUING EDUCATION UNIT is described as ten contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education activity under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction.”
To earn one CONTINUING EDUCATION unit, you will be required to complete a 2 page written assignment where you will describe three new things you learned at the MAPS conference and how you will incorporate that learning into your planetarium teaching. We will provide instructions on submitting your assignment at the MAPS conference.