Monthly Archives: August 2016

Planet Almanac for September 1, 2016 to October 31, 2017

This Year in Planets by Robert Victor Following on his poster and talk at MAPS 2016, Bob Victor has compiled this planet almanac to benefit of planetarians in planning their sky observations and interpretations in the coming year. His work here covers the dates September 1, 2016, to October 31, 2017, and includes monthly evening [...]

By |2016-08-27T09:11:17-04:00August 27th, 2016|

Dr. George Reed

March 8, 1939 - August 2, 2016 by Tara Reed Late Tuesday night, August 2, 2016, my dad's Alzheimer's Journey came to an end. What do you say about losing a parent so slowly, and then at the actual passing? So many things about his physical departure from our life was perfect: His [...]

By |2020-11-29T01:17:31-05:00August 20th, 2016|

As Seen at the Conference

Bob Victor shared many sky events with us during both his presentation and his poster at the conference. Alan Davenport has compiled a document that highlights all of the celestial events we can share with our audiences this month. Thank you, Bob and Alan!!! PDF - Celestial Highlights, August 8-September 2, 2016

By |2022-12-04T14:39:39-05:00August 14th, 2016|

Middle Atlantic Planetarium Society Conference Hosts

Formed in 1965, the Middle Atlantic Planetarium Society (MAPS) is one of the oldest regional planetarium associations in the United States. In 1968, MAPS, in conjunction with the Great Lakes Planetarium Association, was instrumental in laying the groundwork for the founding of the International Society of Planetarium Educators (now known as the International Planetarium Society.) [...]

By |2020-11-29T15:38:45-05:00August 1st, 2016|
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