MAPS 2005 Preliminary Schedule

May 25-28 2005, Philadelphia

Wednesday May 25th, Evening Schedule



Time                    Event                                       Location


5-9 p.m.                Registration                     Space Command Exhibit


7-10 p.m.              Open House                    Space Command and Planetarium


7:00 pm                 Opening Remarks            Planetarium


7:15 p.m.               Opening Lecture              Speaker – TBD


8:30 pm                 “Starball”                        Planetarium


10:00 pm               Reception Continues       Planetarium and Space Command Exhibit

Theatre Tour, “Sonic Vision”, “Infinity Express”    (as desired)



Thursday, May 26th Morning Schedule


Time                              Event                                                Location


8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.        Registration                              Harcourt 1st fl.


8:45– 9:00 a.m.                Welcome/Updates                    Stearns Auditorium


9:00 – 9:45                       Theme Session I                       Planetarium


Program      –        ‘Tawkin’ Good in Duh Plantarium’ – Dr. Tim McGee, Philadelphia Univ.


9:45 – 10:15                     Break                                       Harcourt 1st fl.


10 a.m.-5:30 p.m.            Vendor Halls open                    Harcourt 1st fl. and Pepper Hall


10:15 – 11:45                   Papers/Demos                          Musser Theater, 3rd fl.


Noon-1:30 p.m.               Lunch                                       Pepper Hall 3rd fl.

Guest Speaker, Dr. James Kaler,

University of Illinois , Champagne/Urbana

“Update on the Universe”



Thursday, May 26th Afternoon/Evening Schedule


Time                              Event                                                Location


1:30-2:15 p.m.                 Theme Session II                      Musser Theater

‘Twisting Standards’ and Panel Discussion – Kathy M. Michaels


2:15-3:15                         Papers/Demos                          Musser Theater, etc.


3:15-3:30                         Break                                       Harcourt 1st fl.


3:30-5:00                         Concurrent Workshops – Two 45 min. sessions(more can be added)

  1. Slide Projector Maintenance – Gene Russo
  2. Make Your Own Laser Pointer – John French
  3. Vendor Workshop(Starlab, Bowen, Spitz, Keynote, etc.)
  4. Hank Bouchelle – “The Universe in a Soupcan” –Measuring Space


5:00 – 5:30                       Group Photo                            Winter Street Exit


6-8 p.m.                          Dinner On Your Own                Anywhere!


8 –11 p.m.                      Vendor Evening                        Planetarium (Deals at 11 p.m.!)


10 p.m. – ????                 Taurus Session                         Conference Hotel Hospitality Suite


Friday, May 27th Morning Schedule


Time                              Event                                                Location


8:30 a.m.–Noon              Registration                              Harcourt 1st fl.


8:45 – 9:00 a.m.               Updates                                    Planetarium


9:00 – 9:45                      Theme Session III                     Planetarium

‘Lookin’ Good In Duh Plantarium’

Ruth List, Ted Williams


9- 4 p.m.                         Vendor Halls Open                   Harcourt 1st fl. and Pepper Hall


10-10:15                          Break                                       Harcourt 1st fl.


10:15 – Noon                   Papers/Demos                          Musser Theater, etc.


Noon-1:30 p.m.               Lunch                                       Pepper Hall, 3rd fl.

Speaker – Dr. Michael Turner, National Science Foundation

“The Dark Side of the Universe: Beyond Stars and the Starstuff We are Made Of”



Friday, May 27th Afternoon/Evening Schedule


Time                              Event                                                Location


1:30-2:15 p.m.                 Theme Session IV                    Musser Theater

“ Comparing Technologies for Better Understanding” – Darryl Davis


2:15 -3:15                        Papers/Demos                          Musser Theater, etc.


3:15 – 3:30                       Break                                       Harcourt 1st fl.


3:30 – 4:30                      Papers/Demos                          Musser Theater, etc.


3:30 p.m.                        Vendor Halls Close                   Harcourt and Pepper Hall


4:30 – 5:30                       MAPS Business Meeting           Planetarium


7-8 p.m.                          Cash Bar                                  Pepper Halls


8-10 p.m.                        Conference Dinner                    Pepper Hall

2005 Margaret Noble Address

  1. George Hamilton, Fels Planetarium Director Emeritus,


10 p.m. – ????                 Taurus Session                         Conference Hotel Hospitality Suite


Saturday May 28, 2005 – Final Schedule


Time                              Event                                                Location


9 :00 a.m.                        Updates                                    Planetarium


9:15-10:00 a.m.                “Shoot Your Mouth Off”          Planetarium


10:00- 11:00                    Final Paper Session                   Harcourt 1st fl.


11:00-Noon                     Conference Close/Door Prizes  Harcourt 1st fl.






All events will take place at The Franklin Institute Science Museum unless otherwise noted.